Why Radar Detectors Suck

Kinja'd!!! "Jdrentarol" (jdrentarol)
01/19/2016 at 13:36 • Filed to: RANT, Radar Detectors, ILLEGAL, RADAR, DETECTORS, TROLL

Kinja'd!!!1 Kinja'd!!! 100

1. They are illegal

So, I’m just reading through my C&D and I stumble across an ad for a V1 radar detector.


This makes me furious how many people use completely illegal systems to slow down every one in a while. I’m ready for cop cars to start using devices that detect the detectors and bust the idiots. JUST LEARN TO GO AT THE SPEED LIMIT! IT’S FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!

2. They work. Very well, too.

They hardly ever fail, they detect multiple radar traps, and they even cancel out false alarms.

3. The ridiculous cost


$399. For something that will cost you thousands if you get pulled over.

4. The customer reviews


In the magazine I was reading, it also said this-

Cal. R

Topeka, Kansas

N ames changed to protect identity

It’s like they know it’s illegal, and they stop the cops from busting the retards!

Oh wait, they do know it’s illegal.

Update: Everyone, this is a troll post. I just wanna give laughs out.


Kinja'd!!! wiffleballtony > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 13:40


It’s not illegal.

Kinja'd!!! Party-vi > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 13:41


Radar detectors are only illegal on US military bases, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. They are also illegal in commercial vehicles.

Radar jammers are illegal under federal law, and laser jammers are only illegal in 9 states.

Kinja'd!!! Whatevs > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 13:42



Kinja'd!!! 450X_FTW > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 13:45



My safety my choice. If I’m the only person for 1/4 mile front or back of me and I want to set the cruise control to 80 mph in a 70 mph zone in perfect weather conditions, I should be allowed to do so without risking a jihad against my wallet.

Kinja'd!!! Autohaus Derp > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 13:45


Counterpoint: I have one. It’s legal where I live and I like it!

Kinja'd!!! BigBlock440 > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 13:45



Interesting theory you’ve got.

Kinja'd!!! gin-san - shitpost specialist > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 13:46


I think they’re illegal in Canada, but I’m not sure. In any case, I think radar detectors should be fair game. Speeding is one thing, but then there’s truly reckless speeding (i.e. double the limit in a school zone, going 160 km/h on a highway while weaving through traffic).

If you think about it, people speed on highways all the time - if you're going 100km/h you're probably frustrating countless people when you should be doing 110 or 120km/h to keep with the flow of traffic.

Kinja'd!!! Steve is equipped with Electronic Fool Injection > Party-vi
01/19/2016 at 13:46


In about 1995 I read an article in AutoWeek that went over some ways to beat laser detection. Basically if you’re in a state with no front plates and you run your fog lights, the laser signals of the time couldn’t get an accurate reading.

Kinja'd!!! Mojo Jojo > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 13:48



Kinja'd!!! Urambo Tauro > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 13:49




Kinja'd!!! Bytemite > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 13:49


Lol. Speed limit = Safety. Hahahaha!

Have a nice life going 65 in khakis in your beigemobile. I’ll be safer staying alert and awake at 80 instead of being bored into a coma at 65.

Kinja'd!!! BmanUltima's car still hasn't been fixed yet, he'll get on it tomorrow, honest. > gin-san - shitpost specialist
01/19/2016 at 13:50


They’re legal in BC, Alberta, and Saskatchewan.

Kinja'd!!! themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 13:50


I used to live in a city with a 3-lane, 55 mph speed limit road. For a half mile stretch, you entered a “village” and had a 25 mph limit. Then the limit went back up to 55. The road never changed. It was a speed trap. People bought radar detectors because of course ,the cops wouldn’t stick the points on your license but they would gladly help themselves to the 250$ fine.

If they want to do that, then fuck you, I’m getting a detector so I know when they’re there and I have to drop 30mph in a split second. Otherwise? I’m not risking being a hazard to everyone.

Kinja'd!!! gin-san - shitpost specialist > BmanUltima's car still hasn't been fixed yet, he'll get on it tomorrow, honest.
01/19/2016 at 13:52


Great, another thing Ontario has screwed up.

Kinja'd!!! whatisthatsound > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 13:54


Your knowledge level of detectors is low given your anger for them. I’ve had the same 9500ix for 7 years. It cost upwards of 600$, and I’ve never gotten a ticket from a radar gun. The escort has paid for itself many times over. They also do mask their return signal, so the police’ radar guns don’t know if I am using it. This is all legal as stated from everyone else. I also can’t tell if you are trolling or not though.

Kinja'd!!! BmanUltima's car still hasn't been fixed yet, he'll get on it tomorrow, honest. > gin-san - shitpost specialist
01/19/2016 at 13:59


They’ve been illegal in Ontario since the 90s.

Kinja'd!!! Urambo Tauro > Urambo Tauro
01/19/2016 at 14:01


Seriously, I can’t stand having crap up in the windshield area.

I won’t put a GPS or phone up there. The oil change sticker gets jammed all the way in the corner as far as it will go. I’m at my limit as it is with a dashcam, and I try to hide some of it behind the mirror.

It’s a relief to me that I don’t have a parking permit or inspection sticker taking up space.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:03



You should be easy to find in traffic should you ever visit Chicago.

Kinja'd!!! MadNachos > whatisthatsound
01/19/2016 at 14:04


Same here, 9500 for ages, recently replaced it with a V1 and while both were well worth the investment I prefer the V1 for a few reasons. On a recent trip we caught over a dozen radar traps where they were ticketing people for 5-10 over...certainly saved us some money. And yea, detectors are not illegal in most states, and shouldn’t be illegal in the few where it is illegal.

Kinja'd!!! RallyWrench > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:05


If law enforcement is allowed to deploy all manner of technology against the motorist, why shouldn’t motorists be allowed to defend themselves in turn?

Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > Bytemite
01/19/2016 at 14:07


Mountain road much?

Kinja'd!!! 911e46z06 > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:07


You’re probably lots of fun at parties.

Kinja'd!!! TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts. > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:09


You must be super fun at parties...

Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > BigBlock440
01/19/2016 at 14:10



This is why we need speed limits.

Kinja'd!!! Renescent > themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles
01/19/2016 at 14:11


West side of Columbus, Ohio? New Pope or something like that?

If so, that village has gone away.

Kinja'd!!! RPM esq. > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:12


Except that your entire post is based on the erroneous assumption (unless you live in Virginia) that they are illegal.

Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > Whatevs
01/19/2016 at 14:13


Nobody gets the guy who cares about humanity.

Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > wiffleballtony
01/19/2016 at 14:13


In many places, but few in the US

Kinja'd!!! themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles > Renescent
01/19/2016 at 14:14


No, Warren, MI. The “village of warren” was kindly yet firmly told off by the state of Michigan, IIRC and it doesn’t exist anymore either.

Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > 911e46z06
01/19/2016 at 14:14


I don’t go to parties, too many jackasses.

Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > RPM esq.
01/19/2016 at 14:15


Not just in the US! Open your eyes, it’s illegal in some countries.

Kinja'd!!! jariten1781 > whatisthatsound
01/19/2016 at 14:15


This guy shows up every couple months posting some minimally informed garbage. If he’s called out enough on it he claims his account was hacked (he has a burner/backup account where he’ll post “This is Jdenterol, I was hacked, trying to get my password back”).

I don’t think he’s a troll, per se, I think it’s a 14ish year old that’s at that point where he knows enough to have overly strong convictions but doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.

Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.
01/19/2016 at 14:15


You are the second person to say this.

Kinja'd!!! ColoradoTaco > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:17


Ahh, your post reminded me why I come here less and less. Thanks

Kinja'd!!! Bytemite > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:18


What? This is exactly where we DON’T need speed limits.

Kinja'd!!! wiffleballtony > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:18


Maybe in other countries but with the exception of DC and Virginia they are legal. I inferred you were referring to the US.

Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > Bytemite
01/19/2016 at 14:18


What if you fall off?

Kinja'd!!! wiffleballtony > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:23




Kinja'd!!! Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again. > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:24


Then you fall off, as long as you don’t take someone else with you who cares? No different than smoking really.

Kinja'd!!! 911e46z06 > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:27


Sounds about right. Try having fun sometime, bro. You might enjoy it.

Kinja'd!!! G_Body_Man: Sponsored by the number 3 > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:28






Kinja'd!!! Denver Is Stuck In The 90s > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:30



I know they are illegal in most states, but they are legal in Colorado

Kinja'd!!! Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again. > Whatevs
01/19/2016 at 14:30


I’m sad I lost the one I shopped of this meme.

Kinja'd!!! Bytemite > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:31


Then you fall off...? There’s a difference between going slow for the sake of the law, and going at a speed you and your vehicle feel completely comfortable and safe with. And that is definitely going to be higher than the speed limit. You think a sports car is any safer going at a speed limit set for ALL vehicles that use a road? A truck might not be able to safely exceed the speed limit, but a performance car sure can easily while maintaining just as much safety.

Kinja'd!!! TractorPillow > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:33


I recommend you do a fair amount more research.

I use a radar detector (LEGAL in my state) and I break the speed limit about 80 percent of the time. If I didn’t then I’d be a hazard to the steady flow of traffic.

Kinja'd!!! Master Cylinder > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:33


I’m confused. Is this sarcasm?

Kinja'd!!! Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again. > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:34



Kinja'd!!! Rico > jariten1781
01/19/2016 at 14:34



Kinja'd!!! Rico > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:35


Lol how much do you drive? I feel that the only people who say stuff like “You should be going the speed limit for safety” are people who don’t have a car or don’t drive often.

Kinja'd!!! TractorPillow > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:37


Most people here are in the US! So your number one argument falls on deaf ears.

Kinja'd!!! Rico > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:38


Yeah doing the speed limit will definitely save humanity. Want to save humanity? Go volunteer at a soup kitchen or shelter.

Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > Rico
01/19/2016 at 14:40


I don’t drive, I ride a bike. Can’t afford a car yet. Saving up. You know...

Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again.
01/19/2016 at 14:40


I’m. Serious.

Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > Master Cylinder
01/19/2016 at 14:40



Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > Denver Is Stuck In The 90s
01/19/2016 at 14:41


It’s not the radar detector that’s illegal, it’s the speeding.

Kinja'd!!! Logansteno: Bought a VW? > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:41


So, you always go 60 on the highway, never faster? Wow, that must be really boring. For my safety? My car was designed to cruise at 100 all day, 75 isn't dangerous if there's no one around.

These aren’t illegal at all as others have said and it’s not your money being spent on them so I don’t know what this post was even supposed to outline.

Kinja'd!!! Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again. > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:44


Why would you be so upset about something that doesn’t affect you?

Kinja'd!!! RPM esq. > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:44


Your cited review locations: Florida and Kansas. Your response: “They know it’s illegal.” But, of course, they are not illegal in either of those locations. Your location: also Kansas. Where they are, again, perfectly legal. You didn’t say “they’re illegal in some countries and therefore these people in Kansas shouldn’t use them,” because that would be idiotic. Unless you’re saying that now.

Kinja'd!!! Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again. > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:45


Ever think that they might not be the problem?

Kinja'd!!! Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again. > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:46


Nonsensical comment much?

Kinja'd!!! Rico > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:46


So what’s with all complaining about how fast or slow others are going? Once you start driving you’ll see almost no one does exactly the speed limit. Not even cops. Sorry if I am breaking some bad news to you but the world is very different from how you perceive it.

Kinja'd!!! Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again. > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:47


Ahaha this all makes sense now. Come back when you drive daily and then tell us speeding is just the most awful thing.

Also, I hope you have a speedometer on your bike, as you can also speed in bikes as well.

Kinja'd!!! Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again. > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:47


And yet...

Kinja'd!!! Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again. > Logansteno: Bought a VW?
01/19/2016 at 14:48


Shhhh, he doesn’t drive, he rides a bike. The poor dear doesn’t know any better, bless his heart.

Kinja'd!!! Flynorcal: pilot, offshore sailor, car racer and panty thief > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 14:50


I think everyone else has covered the other points, but radar detectors are VERY easy for LEOs to detect, and if you try using a detector where they are illegal you will be stopped almost immediately. This is why jammers go to great length to be disguised as parking sensors and automatically disarm themselves — to make it less likely to be caught.

I agree with your point about dash clutter, and that detectors work very well. They’re hardly useful if you don’t know how they work or how to properly use one. If you expect to just plug it in and mash the gas pedal, you’re going to conclude that the detector must be defective. Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest.

Kinja'd!!! Logansteno: Bought a VW? > Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again.
01/19/2016 at 14:51


Ah, now it makes sense!

Kinja'd!!! Dayne Putnam > Rico
01/19/2016 at 14:54


Starred because you can see how dumb the writer is because of this comment.

Kinja'd!!! Rico > Logansteno: Bought a VW?
01/19/2016 at 14:58


Exactly, if speed saved everybody than the Autobahn would be full of death and carnage every minute of every day. Instead all the German brands build their cars to feel planted and secure at even high speeds because of the existence of the Autobahn.

Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > Logansteno: Bought a VW?
01/19/2016 at 15:00


I ride a bike. Environmentally friendly me. But I would love a 944. WITHOUT A CAT DELETE PIPE!

Kinja'd!!! Jdrentarol > Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again.
01/19/2016 at 15:02


I speed on my bike, but only because I can.

Kinja'd!!! Logansteno: Bought a VW? > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 15:03


Oh this is hilarious.

I'll be sure to rev my engine a couple extra times today, just for you and your environmentally friendly self.

Kinja'd!!! Saracen > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 15:13


Then why did you say they are illegal?

Kinja'd!!! StingrayJake > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 15:20


Wait... are you mad that somebody was speeding in front of you and then slowed down? Or are you just always on an anti-radar detector campaign?

Kinja'd!!! atfsgeoff > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 15:25


Speeding, in and of itself, is a victimless crime. Most modern cars are perfectly capable of cruising the Interstate at 80-90mph safely, in agreeable conditions.

Kinja'd!!! PetarVN, GLI Guy, now with stupid power > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 15:29


1) nope. not illegal. if they were, then m stepdad must be a reeeeealy smooth talker that he ignored it and went damn-near-lightspeed past a cop. also, as someone who uses his automobile to the fullest of it’s ability whenever possible, I say raise the speed limits yo.

2) Yes they detect radar. good job. you noticed that.

3) ....oooor if you’re to read my argument in point one, you’ll see that it’ll actually save you thousands!


Kinja'd!!! B/Xmrrmvr > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 15:30


I’ll never understand how some people get posting privileges.

Kinja'd!!! PetarVN, GLI Guy, now with stupid power > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 15:31


mountain road sped limits in the US are generally 30MPH.

doesn't stop people from doing 60-70 on the dragon for example

Kinja'd!!! Master Cylinder > themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles
01/19/2016 at 15:33


Mound Road, around 13 Mile, right? I remember that BS. Never got a ticket there but it was such a pain in the ass and a blatant cash grab. It’s not like there’s enough (or even any) pedestrian traffic there to justify the lower limit.

I live right by there now. I’m glad they got rid of that trap.

Kinja'd!!! themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles > Master Cylinder
01/19/2016 at 15:38


yeeeeeeeeep. In high school it was common for people to save the ticket letter because the village of warren had a fancy gold foil seal on the letterhead.

Kinja'd!!! unclevanos (Ovaltine Jenkins) > Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again.
01/19/2016 at 15:49


Wait until this guy knows I have a radar detector, might throw a fit.

Kinja'd!!! V12 Jake- Hittin' Switches > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 15:50


Oh god, I better stick to 55 everywhere! It’s not like those limits were determined in a time before modern car tech. Most cars can stop from 100 mph in the recomended stopping distance for 60 mph. On city/residential streets, speeding is bad, but on the highways, where radar guns are used, the speed limits should reflect modern car tech.

Kinja'd!!! V12 Jake- Hittin' Switches > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 15:53


NOOOOO!1!1!1! Why the fuck won't you think about the children?

Kinja'd!!! Denver Is Stuck In The 90s > Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again.
01/19/2016 at 15:56


Ive gone 35 (according to my bike computer) on my Bicycle in a school zone, the looks I got were hilarious. So yes, you can break speeding laws on a bicycle,

Kinja'd!!! Denver Is Stuck In The 90s > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 15:56


But thats so bad and illegal and its a big problem.

Kinja'd!!! Jonathan Harper > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 15:58


I swear by mine. It’s saved me my license many times over. Not illegal in most places.

Kinja'd!!! Denver Is Stuck In The 90s > unclevanos (Ovaltine Jenkins)
01/19/2016 at 16:00


You are a terrible human being


Kinja'd!!! Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again. > B/Xmrrmvr
01/19/2016 at 16:05


Yeah, this seems like a post that adds nothing to the discussion, on top of its questionable grammar choices.

Kinja'd!!! Denver Is Stuck In The 90s > gin-san - shitpost specialist
01/19/2016 at 16:08


If you have ever been to colorado; when the sun goes down, a 65mph highway turns into an 80-100mph highway. and the cops dont care, honestly I rarely hear of accidents on I25 after dark, but I hear of alot of accidents during the day. Speed doesnt kill

Kinja'd!!! Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again. > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 16:10


Oh the humanity!

Kinja'd!!! Bytemite > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 16:12


What’s the point of you getting a GT car like a Porsche 944? You might as well get VW minibus and obey those speed limits all day.

Kinja'd!!! ceanderson920 > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 16:15


I used to have a cheaper $100 one and I really didn't care for it. It saved me once or twice but it was so annoying I had to take it out of my car. It would go off on every automatic door I would drive by. One day I had enough of the constant beeping so I took it out.

Kinja'd!!! unclevanos (Ovaltine Jenkins) > Denver Is Stuck In The 90s
01/19/2016 at 16:33


I was told I am literally worse than Hitler.

Kinja'd!!! Denver Is Stuck In The 90s > unclevanos (Ovaltine Jenkins)
01/19/2016 at 16:36


Well, That lifts a weight off my shoulders, because I was told the same thing. Glad to hear someone is worse than me

Kinja'd!!! Stevo777 > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 16:50


I can’t tell if this is a troll article or you’re being serious...

Let the people with radar detectors pass you because I feel you’re the type to hog the left lane and stop people from going faster than the speed limit.



Kinja'd!!! Eric @ opposite-lock.com > wiffleballtony
01/19/2016 at 16:50


Arizona, particularly Phoenix, is one enormous speed trap. The speed limits on those dead straight for 10+ miles 10-lane freeways? 35mph. Seriously.

Kinja'd!!! garagemonkee > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 16:54


2/10 for actual trolling

11/10 for still managing to catch so many.

Good kinja.

Kinja'd!!! Jake - Has Bad Luck So You Don't Have To > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 17:54


Nice clickbait you got there.

Kinja'd!!! wiffleballtony > Eric @ opposite-lock.com
01/19/2016 at 17:58


Maybe it depends, most of the ones I drive on range between 40 and 50 on surface street’s and the traditional draconian 65 on the freeways.

Kinja'd!!! Rico > Jonathan Harper
01/19/2016 at 19:18


What do you use? Valentine?

Kinja'd!!! NJAnon > Jdrentarol
01/19/2016 at 20:54


Well this is oppositelock. Speed limit? Doesn’t the TVR Sagaris have a speedometer that displays only up to 25mph even though it can go faster? :P

And Goggle.com? lol sure why not?